
The main pack hub and resting place of the Pawns, the Central Keep is a large and open cave with many smaller caves branching from it, some serving as dens, some serving as storage for food and hides.
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A smaller cave on the right wall of the Central Keep in which Rooks sleep, a curvy and ledged tunnel leading to an open cave, where inside the floor sits at different leveled platforms.
A smaller cave on the left wall of the Central Keep where Knights sleep. Though it doesn’t require a tunnel to reach, the inside is wider than it is long and a crack runs down the center, easy to step over, but can still catch claws if one isn’t careful.
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A decently-sized cave in the back left corner of the Central Keep, Bishops, mothers, pups, and the sick/injured sleep here. The floors are padded in moss, small indented mounds of dirt lined with moss serve as “nests”, and cracks can be found in the walls where supplies are stored. There is the main chamber and a smaller side-chamber where mothers and pups reside.
A smaller cave in the back right corner of the Central Keep where the King and Queen sleep. This cave is the smallest of the caves, but the back half of it is slightly raised and lined with moss while the other half is stone.
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created by Abyss last post by Abyss
Aug 14, 2024 18:50:26 GMT