Welcome to Venturis Ventis!
Check out our current role play arc and event!
The dam event is up and running, if you're participating please check in to make sure it isn't your turn to post!
As of this time the WOTM voting is on hiatus...again


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This contains the information needed about joining the forum
6 posts • 6 threads
Bri Avatar
Overall Plot by Bri
Nov 29, 2020 18:29:02 GMT
All important announcements in regards to events, news, and other important information. Any retired announcements are in the archived section.
23 posts • 9 threads
Burn Avatar
Together As One [Dam Event!] by Burn
Apr 21, 2023 6:42:43 GMT
IntroductionsArt SquareSuggestionsWOTM
A place for members to introduce themselves, post art work, or work on threads and plotters.
79 posts • 20 threads
If you are looking to advertise on VV or affiliate with us, everything you need can be found here.
110 posts • 108 threads
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MercuriorSeasonal Event
Venturis Ventis means the Changing of the Winds, so as time moves on we plan on releasing arcs that will release new packs and events. The current arc of events is here.
10 posts • 5 threads
Bri Avatar
Red Marks the Spot by Bri
Jan 19, 2022 1:43:37 GMT
Unlocked Lore
The magnanimous and tightly-knit wolves of the mountain
6 posts • 2 threads
Cheshire Avatar
The Vertok by Cheshire
Jul 20, 2021 19:57:34 GMT
Unlocked Lore
The power-hungry and self-centered wolves of the plains.
7 posts • 1 thread
Cheshire Avatar
The Sanzin by Cheshire
Jul 20, 2021 19:58:34 GMT
Unlocked Lore
The mysterious and distrusting wolves of the forest.
10 posts • 2 threads
Bri Avatar
Vastiva by Bri
Nov 9, 2022 18:00:51 GMT


The Wolves
Ready to create a character, adoptable, or NPC? This is the place to do it.
118 posts • 68 threads
Cheshire Avatar
Brenhinol // Vertok Rook by Cheshire
Apr 29, 2024 17:47:36 GMT
There are no sub-boards within this board.
Need to keep track of your character's relationships or threads they're in? Make yourself a tracker and save it here.
47 posts • 8 threads
Zawki Avatar
Like the Tides Turn by Zawki
Sept 17, 2023 18:53:14 GMT
There are no sub-boards within this board.
Have some plot ideas you want to do for a character and need another to fill in a spot? Post your plots here and what you're looking for.
18 posts • 5 threads
Razza Avatar
even if our destination's damned by Razza
Sept 6, 2023 3:16:38 GMT
AU'sOne Shots
A place for members to jot down character ideas, future character plans, one-shot rp threads, or make some AU stories.
21 posts • 16 threads


Den SiteCavesMountain Spring
The Vertok live in the northeast in the former territory of the Sanzin. It is a land of vast mountain ranges and rolling hills and valleys.
150 posts • 11 threads
Burn Avatar
Always In My Head by Burn
Mar 13, 2024 23:49:18 GMT
Den SiteForestRiverShore and Ocean
The Sanzin can be found in the south in land taken from the Vertok. They have the largest territory. It is the only territory with easy access to the ocean which lies on the south and southeast edges.
95 posts • 14 threads
Cheshire Avatar
Fires and Storms by Cheshire
Feb 5, 2024 3:55:34 GMT
Den SiteGardenCitadel
The Au'Dar live in a region entirely covered by forest. Located west of the Vertok and Sanzin territories, it is slightly smaller than the Sanzin's territory.
98 posts • 11 threads
Bri Avatar
What Whispers in That Time by Bri
Jul 10, 2024 4:50:46 GMT
The Central OakOpen PlainsSouthern ForestNorthern ForestThe Lake
The Neutral territories consists of a large area in a half circle around Ashana's Oak with prongs stretching a few miles north, east, and west southwest.
344 posts • 30 threads
Bri Avatar
growth by Bri
Jul 10, 2024 4:40:36 GMT


All previous completed summaries of arcs and events are here.
306 posts • 38 threads
Cheshire Avatar
[open] A time for words, a time for sleep by Cheshire
Sept 18, 2023 17:45:39 GMT
There are no sub-boards within this board.
Abandoned threads and characters are located here.
Contact a staff member to have a thread moved here.
31 posts • 6 threads
Bri Avatar
Far and Away by Bri
Apr 17, 2022 2:55:35 GMT

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Currently Online 0 Staff, 0 Members, 3 Guests.
Online in the Last 24 Hours 0 Staff, 0 Members, 204 Guests.
Community Statistics
385 threads created
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Last post in What Whispers in That Time by Bri
Jul 10, 2024 4:50:46 GMT
Welcome our newest member, icea!